Appendix A: Command Line Crash Course
This appendix is a quick super fast course in using the command line. It is intended to be done rapidly in about a day or two, and not meant to teach you advanced shell usage.
- Introduction
- Exercise 1: The Setup
- Exercise 2: Paths, Folders, Directories (pwd)
- Exercise 3: If You Get Lost
- Exercise 4: Make A Directory (mkdir)
- Exercise 5: Change Directory (cd)
- Exercise 6: List Directory (ls)
- Exercise 7: Remove Directory (rmdir)
- Exercise 8: Moving Around (pushd, popd)
- Exercise 9: Making Empty Files (Touch, New-Item)
- Exercise 10: Copy a File (cp)
- Exercise 11: Moving a File (mv)
- Exercise 12: View a File (less, MORE)
- Exercise 13: Stream a File (cat)
- Exercise 14: Removing a File (rm)
- Exercise 15: Exiting Your Terminal (exit)
- Next Steps