Getting Help

If you are stuck with an exercise and want some help then you can email and Zed will help you when he can. He's busy though writing more books, so be patient.

When you email, please write out the problem you are having, and make sure you have done each of the following first:

  1. Put a comment above each line of code explaining what it does to yourself.
  2. Compared your code to my code line-by-line from the last line to the first.
  3. Confirmed that every single letter, number, word, punctuation, and space is exactly like mine. Even the capitalization has to be the same so Print and print are two totally different things. To make them the same you would need them to both be print.

Once you've done that then email me for help and please include your code in the email or somewhere online so I can see it.

Buy Paper, PDF, or ePub (I Make 12%)

If you prefer Paper, PDF, or ePub then I recommend you buy it from my publisher at (run by Pearson). You can also sign up for the Free Support Course to receive a few key videos, get chat help, and errata for the book.

Buy Paper, PDF, or ePub from InformIT

Buy Learn Python the Hard Way, 5th Edition from Me (I make 100%)

When you buy Learn Python the Hard Way, 5th Edition directly from the author, Zed A. Shaw, you'll get access to the digital content for all 60 exercises, plus all 60+ videos that are normally sold separately. You'll also have access to direct help from Zed via Discord chat and live streams on special topics when I have time.


Buy Learn Python The Hard Way, 5th Edition